Expert Tips on Outdoor Sewage Clean-Ups

Outdoor sewage spills are more than just messy and smelly. They are also dangerous to the environment and to people who are exposed to it. Once raw sewage is detected, it is vital to act quickly to contain it and to minimize its impact on the area. Here are a few expert tips to help.

Access To Dangerous Pathogens

Outdoor sewage contains hazardous pathogens, including harmful parasites, viruses, and bacteria, so you need to take precautions before cleaning it. Start by cordoning off the area to keep people and animals away from the spill. You will also want to wear protective clothing.

Tip One: Gather Personal Protective Equipment

You can protect yourself from sewage contact by wearing protective gear as pathogens, microbes, and contaminants in sewage can enter your body through the mouth, nose, or open sores on the body.  You also may come into contact with lead and mold because of the environment the spill occurs. It is important to wear personal protective equipment like eye goggles, respiration masks, disposable full-body waterproof coveralls (with the hood), gloves, and rubber boots. Discard all the items you use after cleaning the spill.

Tip Two: Avoid Contamination

Containing the spill will avoid contaminating other areas, including water sources and your home. You should cordon off an area with canvases, dirt, or sandbags. You also need to turn off the water supply to stop any further sewage from entering the pipes.

Tip Three: Sewage Clean-Up

Once you get your personal protective equipment on, you can begin the sewage clean-up. For smaller spills, sprinkle lime or kitty litter for twenty-four hours to absorb the moisture. Use a shovel and heavy-duty trash bags or shop vac to remove the spill. For more massive spills, it is recommended that you call Restore Pro for professional sewage cleanup services. If you have lawn furniture or items that you want to keep, put them in a secured area within the contained space where you can disinfect them after the spill.

Remember to use your garden hose to spray the ground after you remove the sewage. You can also use a broom, bristled brush, and a bleach cleaning solution to disinfect the lawn furniture and the building materials exposed to the spill.  The recommended cleaning solution is one gallon of water and ¾ cup of bleach. Do not apply it directly to the lawn or dirt as it has the potential of absorbing into the storm drain and ground. If you do not have the right resources, call a waste-cleanup service for proper sewage removal.

Keep in mind that the longer the sewage is present, the higher the potential for hazardous contamination. There is also a higher probability of mold growing and becoming a further health and safety concern. For sterility, it will not hurt to clean the patios and decks of your home as well as the driveway. Once complete, you must throw away the personal protective equipment.

To get more information, or schedule a sewage spill cleanup, you can call us at 1-800-847-0114, or you can send us a private message on Facebook at